DIY Friends Themed Valentines Day Cards Printables
I’ve always been a huge fan of the TV show Friends ever since I’ve known it existed. It started a little before my time and then of course, I had to wait a few years to truly get all of the hilarious innuendos. I remember the first episode that I ever watched was the very first thanksgiving that my now fiance had chosen to spend with the whole family. (He didn’t run away then, and he’s stuck around ever since despite all of the craziness, so I guess that you could say he’s a keeper.) For anyone who has spent that holiday watching Friends they know that it’s an all day thing and it’s all of the episodes that have captured that day over the years. My love for Friends started here and continued over the years with me getting the full boxed season for Christmas (which was the BEST GIFT EVER!) So for all of the Friends aficionados that enjoy this throwback still, I decided to put together these DIY Friends Themed Valentines Day Cards Printables just for you!
First, we have the famed “You’re my lobster” quote because you just have too! I believe that the notion was put together by Phoebe who then shared it with Ross and eventually once he admitted his love for Rachel he broke down and embraced her. This is a classic, and probably one of the most memorable ones in general. You can watch Phoebe share her logic behind this below:
Then we have the card reading “I’d drink the fat for you” which refers to Ross following Joey’s lead by drinking Monica’s glass of fat after being instructed to by Rachel to prove that he truly wants her to attend his Paleontologist function with him after he has made her upset. Even though Rachel stopped Ross from actually doing it she is floored by the fact that he would. You can watch the drama unfold below:
Next we have the more forward card reading “How you doin?” Which is of course Joey’s go to line for literally any lady in the whole world he thinks is foxy. You can watch a compilation below:
Finally, we’ve got “I love you like Joey loves sandwiches” and for anyone who’s ever seen him lacking a sub or frankly food in general you’ll understand you are truly loved if this comparison is made. You can see one of the famous sandwich scenes below:
You can download all of the DIY Friends Themed Valentines Day Cards Printables here!
The Friends TV show will always have a place in my heart, what’s your favorite episode?
Thanks for reading!