How to Cook 7 Traditional Christmas Dishes
I can’t believe that Christmas is right around the corner. ONE WEEK folks and you’re supposed to be completely ready. We’re talking presents in tow (wrapped), gussied up for Christmas dinner (which if you’re doing the whole bit is a lot to prepare for) and if you’re hosting someone your house should be immaculate and decked. That doesn’t leave much time for fun Christmas beverages, appropriate holiday music, etc. I don’t have to stress over the creation of Christmas dinner and it’s not being hosted at my house. So my stress level isn’t ridiculous but for most of those reading the pressure is probably on. Especially if you’re newly married and/or it’s the first time you’ve ever hosted Christmas dinner/can’t cook. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Today we’re sharing how to cook 7 traditional Christmas dishes so you can cook the best Christmas dinner!
I’m going to lay some Christmas truth on you. We barely decorated the house last week, our outdoor lights aren’t even up. I don’t have time to do much other than try to function as an employee, wife, dog mom, blogger, etc. Also it’s cold and flu season. That’s right, the past week I not only had the stomach flu but a sinus infection. It’s amazing how spunky you feel when you can breathe out of both nostrils and keep food down. Watch out world! I’m ready to take you on and rock the heck out of Christmas next week.
We’re fighting it and are so truly behind. But, I do love my Harney and Sons Holiday Tea and just found the most PERFECT holstein ugly Christmas sweater known to man so I’m definitely enjoying the little things. And I’m pretty excited that I get to share these traditional Christmas dishes with you!
Now the irony is we’re actually not having traditional Christmas dishes for dinner this year for the first time in my twenty-two years of life this year. We did a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Even though dad is pretty bummed that we’re not going the whole nine yards next weekend I know everyone will enjoy the day and food. And if you’re anything like us you don’t have time to dig through a billion recipes to get ready for next week. So without further ado here’s how to cook 7 traditional Christmas dishes.
How to Cook 7 Traditional Christmas Dishes
1. Homemade Mashed Potatoes Recipe
This simple recipe breaks down the basics regarding how to make delicious homemade mashed potatoes! It’s really not very difficult, just has a few different steps that are time involved.
2. 3 Step Green Bean Casserole Recipe
I call this recipe funeral casserole, but whether you call is green bean casserole or funeral casserole – you can’t argue that it’s a mainstay this time of year.
3. Granny O’s Cornbread Dressing Recipe
This recipe is an ode to our matriarch, my Granny O! It shares how to make cornbread from her scratch recipe and then turn it into delectable dressing to make any turkey sing.
4. Easy Stove-Top Macaroni and Cheese Recipe
While I LOVE oven baked macaroni and cheese this recipe is just a little simpler and a just as delicious! This is a great side year round and even makes a great meal if you mix it up with some hamburger meat.
5. Best Fresh Cranberry Sauce Recipe
Put that can down! This fresh cranberry sauce recipe will blow anything out of the water like that. It’s not even that hard to make and it’s been passed down for generations so it definitely has stood the test of time.
6. Bacon Wrapped Turkey Recipe
Everything is better than with BACON! In this recipe we go through the basics of making turkey gravy and roasting a turkey.
7. Traditional Chocolate Cream Pies (Mini)
This is a miniature of version of hands down my favorite holiday dessert! These are fabulous southern chocolate cream pies and your life will never be the same after you try them out.