5 Foolproof Facebook Post Ideas For Small Business
We’ve been zeroing in on how to develop Facebook as a platform to promote your small business. It’s incredible how easily you can share your brand and market to ideal clients on Facebook! You should be utilizing social media. Just in case you’re a brand new reader, we’ve got some of the basics covered. In an earlier post we’ve shared with you how you can build an effective Facebook page for your small business. Then we discussed how to make it look more professional with a GORGEOUS Cover Photo for just $1. We even gave you the secret to finding the best time to post on Facebook! But many of you may be wondering how valuable all this information is if you don’t know what to post. That’s why today we’re sharing these 5 foolproof Facebook post ideas for small business!
The great thing about all of these options is that it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner with Facebook. I know that you are very capable of finding and sharing content that resonates on your Facebook business page!
The biggest question that I think many have regarding content that can be shared on your Facebook page is what is appropriate. Everything that you share on your Facebook page should fit within your personal brand. Only you can identify what tenets make up your brand. Once you have a clear picture of what your personal brand looks like, then you need to ask yourself if the content will resonate with potential clients.
All of your content should fit these two criteria. Once you have committed to this then you can start to better build your overall strategy for what you should share on your Facebook page.
5 Foolproof Facebook Post Ideas For Small Business
Pay Homage to the Season
There are people that are holiday nuts. Like me. That dream all year of October through December. Or have an outrageous love for St. Patrick’s Day, etc. Then, there’s everybody else. But it doesn’t matter if you love or hate the holidays. Regardless of whether you plan out your porch for Halloween Night a month before or muddle through Thanksgiving, they happen. They are salient, they are ever present, and they exist as triggers in every potential client’s mind. You don’t have to celebrate a holiday per say, even describing something you love about spring, fall, football season, etc. will suffice! Whether you love or detest a holiday or season your client’s do and you can connect with them regarding this.
Celebrate What’s Trending
Whether something is officially ‘trending’ according to Facebook or you have seen something viral in your news feed it’s probably elicited a reaction. We’ve all seen the humorous video of the first time a baby has ever eaten bacon. The fact that most people find it funny is important to notice. You want to elicit a reaction with the content you share. Obviously you want potential clients to seek you out for more than just a laugh. However, if you are ever present in their lives and ultimately their daily behavioral patterns again – you and your business will be salient. You will be relevant. When there is a need for your services you will be more likely to be considered.
We also know that what can be trending is not always positive, but may be controversial. This can be a great time to ask your potential client’s opinions and/or share industry news.
Share Something of Value
Clients want to spend time on things that are valuable. Your content should always be valuable. It may be valuable like the categories listed above in regards to connecting emotionally. Those who you are marketing to have ‘pain points’. You can identify them a number of ways through primary and secondary research. Ultimately you should seek to make their live’s easier. For parents this may be sharing content about combating the terrible two’s. For business owners this may be time management. Or, for instance, for those who love DIY this may be a video showing how to up your pumpkin carving game. There are multiple facets regarding the needs of any potential client. Either way once you have identified needs strive to fill them!
Share Something Inspirational
We all have hopes and dreams. They look different depending on who you are as a person. Thus this will look different for your client base. For me I tend to enjoy inspirational quotes! My favorite part is that I can make them in canva and brand them for more awareness.
Share Something Personal
I know that you’ve been taught that there is a divide regarding your business and personal life. There is, however people like to know that the person running the company and Facebook page is a HUMAN. Humans like doing human things. Humans have families. They have personal lives. Company owners manage and work in offices with other fantastic humans. They have hopes, they have dreams and they have hobbies. It is now only okay but necessary to share some information about this part of your life from time to time. I’m not telling you to share the photos from your girls trip to Vegas etc. I am sharing with you that there is nothing wrong with sharing a personal triumph on your business page. Or your favorite coffee. Whatever floats your boat and fits into your personal brand is another opportunity to connect with potential clients!
Have any questions about these 5 Foolproof Facebook Post Ideas For Small Business? Comment below and we’ll be sure to answer them! Do you have any Facebook post ideas for small business that you’ve found success with?
Thanks for reading!