8 Agriculture and Food Myths Not To Believe In 2018
I believe we should start the year with clear hearts and open minds. So I wanted to share 8 agriculture and food myths you shouldn’t believe in 2018. It’s really easy to believe everything you hear or come across on your Facebook feed when you haven’t had the opportunity to meet and learn from a farmer. I’ve had the opportunity to meet several farmers, ranchers and have had several classes regarding various parts and pieces to agriculture as an agricultural communications major. I even briefly interned on a dairy and pig farm. While I don’t know everything (I’m not a nutritionist, and I don’t work operationally on a farm everyday) these are some of the myths I was passionate about busting. These common myths span from animal care, to processing, genetically modifying plants and even components of food we eat everyday!
If you have any additional questions, please drop them in the comments below:
8 Agriculture and Food Myths Not to Believe in 2018
1. Myth: Nothing is off limits in your hot dog’s ingredients.
Fact: A hot dog is classified as a sausage and as such has specific requirements regarding what it can contain. All ingredients must be listed on the package and over 96% of it is skeletal muscle (aka meat).
2. Myth: Sodium nitrites found in meat make it cancerous.
Fact: Sodium nitrites act as a way to preserve meat safely and the amount utilized is rather small in the scheme of things.

3. Myth: Milk comes from from a carton in the store and is sourced from factory farms.
Fact: Milk comes from predominantly family farms who utilize the best milking practices possible to ensure a quality harvest.
4. Myth: Eating meat is never humane. Animals live sordid lives on farms and are not processed and harvested respectfully.
Fact: Animal care and an animal’s dignity is a priority for all farmers, ranchers, and those who spend their final moments with them before they move on to serve a different purpose.
6. Myth: GMO’s are harmful for the environment, anyone who consumes them, and are found in all food products.
Fact: GMO’s have had a positive impact upon the environment in many facets, are safe for consumption (having passed several channels for approval and there are only 9 in total).
7. Myth: BST/rBST/rBGH found in milk has caused early puberty in humans.
Fact: BST/rBST/RBGH found in milk cannot be utilized by the human body, even if if was absorbed this way most is destroyed during pasteurization.
8. Myth: Wool is bad for the environment. It comes from animals who are not treated well. The animal’s life must be taken for us to enjoy the product.
Fact: The production of wool has many positive environmental effects, sheep are well treated and they can produce wool many times over as it’s harvest is essentially a haircut.
It can be incredibly easy to believe everything that you hear when you have no basis for any alternative explanation. The fact is that farmers make up only about 2% of the American population. It can make it hard to have any one on one contact. This post today wraps up all of the agriculture and food myths we tackled in 2017. I hope it provides a reminder to ask questions and seek an honest answer in 2018. Next time you have a question, be sure to comment, shoot an email or message our Facebook page.
Thanks for reading!