But First – Let Me Take a #Felfie
If there’s one thing everyone in a room can relate too – it’s probably taking selfies.
Seriously – everyone does it. Don’t lie to yourself. It doesn’t matter what your profession is or how many candles you blew out on your last birthday cake – it happens. You get all dressed up and try a billion different angles (because lord knows every angle on ever person isn’t flattering) to post that one picture. Heck there are even tons of articles about how to post the perfect one.
Those developing communications technology know too – that’s why there’s now an album on my iPhone just for selfies.
So in case you were wondering there’s a specific kind of selfie that’s fairly popular on social media if you’re involved at all in agriculture. It’s called a #Felfie. Yes – it’s actually kind of popular.
So what is a #Felfie? It’s a farming selfie! If you like seeing behind the scenes of how your food and fiber are produced I’d highly recommend checking it out. You can also check out #FelfieFriday for a few more farming selfies! (But there are also some selfies with ferrets that are super adorable under this hashtag.)
I’ve raised animals through FFA as an Supervised Agricultural Experience even though I’m not a farmer. I’ve got to admit – I’ve taken a few #Felfies here and there because it’s a fun way to document caring for the livestock I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of raising. It’s only natural!
If you are a farmer or rancher remember January 21st is National Hug Day! So be sure to share a #Felfie of you and your livestock!
Thanks for reading!
P.S. I know these aren’t technically selfies – but I literally just dug these up off of my social media channels. I’m around livestock semi-regularly but haven’t taken a selfie with any bovines since I finished showing dairy heifers a few years ago.