Dear Farmer, I love what you do, but we need to talk. I know that you work long hours and do grueling hard work. I know that you tend to crops or care for animals. Perhaps even both. I know that you get to experience the joy of life and the finality of death which both are sobering – even after you’ve given it everything you…
- Category: Agvocating 101 -
Happy Valentines Day to all of our awesome followers! In need of some adorable farm animal e-cards? You’ve come to the right place!
Are you suffering from the "Ag Colored" glasses phenomenon? It can be very common.
This morning I gave a few youth beef presentations at East Picacho Middle School, and it was awesome! I was incredibly nervous but I’d spent a few hours putting it together so being prepared certainly helped. The kids were darling. Lots of energy! I worked with two groups of second and third graders. (FOR LESSON PLANS FROM THE PRESENTATION BE SURE TO SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM)
Some don't realize that there is a need for agricultural agvocates but for anyone whose wondering there certainly is. For anyone who is concerned about job security this post should put your mind at ease. So, why do we have job security? (in my opinion)
This was always a source of contention for me and I'm still learning how to be an agvocate. I learn more every day but it's really not that hard, I promise.
5 Ways FFA Impacted My Life (& Continues To Do So)
January 30, 2015 by Lauren SchlothauerIt’s that time of year – you guessed it, FFA Week. You may have taken a hint from the seemingly millions of changed profile pictures filled to the brim with people donning the famed corduroy blue jacket. But you may be wondering, why is FFA such a big deal? If you’ve never been a part of the early morning bus rides, enduring all weather extremes in…
This post is the first of many about my experience at the Ag Chat Collegiate Congress in Indianapolis - and can I just say - It was awesome!!! I met so many new people, made so many connections and learned a TON! So much that my brain still hurts a little bit and I haven't gone through my notes in detail just yet. Yes I took…
Some thoughts on Starting a Blog about Agriculture
January 7, 2015 by Lauren SchlothauerI'm not an expert blogger. But, I do have some experiences I would like to share with those who are thinking they might want to blog about agriculture (or I guess any other topics really). This is what I've taken away from my path to starting Dare to Cultivate and my former blog. Hopefully my hours and mistakes will save you some time, money and self…
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Hi, it's nice to meet you! My name's Lauren. Lover of bad 90's movies, green chile and proud Furbaby Momma.