*This Post Contains Affiliate Links, Please Read My Disclosure For More Information. This means I can earn money if you utilize a product I believe in that I’ve linked to. * Full disclosure – I am NOT a personal trainer. I am NOT a registered dietitian. I am NOT a doctor. But, I wanted to share my personal experience with you. Because here’s the deal – I’ve been…
- Category: Turquoise & Pearls -
4 Meaningful Valentines Day Ideas When You’re Broke
February 13, 2018 by Lauren SchlothauerWe’ve all been there. It can be difficult to have new ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day each year. Not to mention, expensive. While my husband and I do celebrate the day (usually the day before or after due to travel, work, etc), we definitely don’t treat it like Christmas or a birthday. Because really, showing each other love in little ways each day is the perfect…
Have a Romantic Valentine’s Day Picnic (for just $14)
February 12, 2018 by Lauren SchlothauerI don’t think it’s any secret that I like to budget. For most people who may still be recovering from Christmas, valentine’s day may seem daunting. Prices tend to skyrocket around the heavily commercialized holiday. I’m not a holiday hater either – I’m just telling the truth. Ask any florist, due to demand, there will be a much higher markup on roses around this time. It’s…
5 Frugal Science Backed Ways to Practice Self Care
January 30, 2018 by Lauren SchlothauerI saw a Facebook post recently encouraging friends to post a photo in the comments in which they were truly happy. Happiness is found in different ways for different individuals, but part of being truly, consistently happy is practicing self care. For years I underestimated the importance of it. But if you want to be a successful wife, husband, student, small business owner, daughter etc., you…
18 Daily Motivational Quotes You Need In 2018
January 25, 2018 by Lauren SchlothauerWe all have challenging days. Some of them are self-inflicted due to poor time management or a bad attitude. Other days are difficult because you have a lot to balance. Or negativity you didn’t create comes to your doorstep. I’ve found with many things that if I can put how I’m feeling into words that it gives me a sense of relief. I am a heavy…
It’s the new year, which means I finally got my butt in gear and cleaned up the office. You have to realize that we procrastinated until the literal last minute packing – which means most stuff just got thrown into boxes. Haphazard and unmarked they were stacked and strewn across the floor. Then the wedding came. Then the honeymoon came. Then the wedding recovery period happened.…
5 Things To Know Before Your Wine Tasting Experience
January 6, 2018 by Lauren SchlothauerSo near halloween my best friend and I went to a wine tasting at a small local winery. Now granted, this is not near the scale of the ones that will happen in the summer. It was also like a wine benefit tasting for a fantastic local non-profit. So my experience here will probably be a little different than yours may be at a larger one.…
How To Take Dog Christmas Card Photos
December 17, 2017 by Lauren SchlothauerIt’s the time of year when everyone wants to take beautiful Christmas card photos. Some people want to show off their homes, new offspring, and for a select few – their dogs. Children can be fussy enough, but dogs that are not particularly well behaved probably take the cake in the category difficult to photograph. But today we’re sharing a few tips that will show you…
Thanksgiving Reflections
November 23, 2017 by Lauren SchlothauerIn all the hustle and bustle this time of year, it can seem impossible to remember to be grateful. But it’s necessary. In all honesty its pretty satisfying to be able to count your blessings when you make time. So today, I wanted to share with you what I am truly grateful for.
5 Tips for Hosting a Pumpkin Carving Party
October 25, 2017 by Lauren SchlothauerHalloween will probably dredge up tons of memories for most people. From being nearly frozen while trick-or-treating in the crisp October air to dividing up your candy haul on the floor with your siblings it’s something not easily forgotten. But the most iconic Halloween symbol has and always will be a Jack-O-Lantern. Even if you’re not trick-or-treating this year, I would highly encourage you to take…
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Hi, it's nice to meet you! My name's Lauren. Lover of bad 90's movies, green chile and proud Furbaby Momma.