Dollar Tree Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece
So I’ve wanted a magical looking cauldron for like, ever. Literally since I saw one featured in a lifestyle magazine YEARS AGO. We’re talking circa 7th grade. So yeah, it’s been awhile. But as we all grow older I think many regardless of their love for Halloween realize that they can’t spend their entire salary on Halloween decorations. Even with traditional discount Halloween decorations. Since I wanted a magical cauldron I put together this Glimmering Dollar Store Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece (for just $3)! And it looks LEGIT. It is possible to have something look supernaturally amazing even if you don’t spend a million bucks on it. I PROMISE! I’m definitely currently in love with Dollar Store Halloween crafts to say the least.
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Dollar Tree Halloween Decorations – Glimmering Dollar Store Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece
I was pretty comfortable with how the Halloween Cauldron was when I picked it up from the Dollar Store. In fact I’m pretty in love with Dollar Tree Halloween decorations in general. Which is why you’re seeing them all over the blog lately.
I got all of my materials that I used at the Dollar Store. I chose not to utilize dry ice and had the Reynolds Wrap at home bringing the amount of money invested to just $3!
Black Cauldron
1 Package Floral Garden Reindeer Moss
1 Package Mini Orange Halloween Lights, 20-ct.
Reynolds Wrap
Dry Ice (Optional)
Assembling the Centerpiece
I know that you could find a bigger cauldron elsewhere. But really for a centerpiece, you want a difference in height. You know, so you can actually see those at your table that you’re holding a conversation with?
What I’ve learned working with Dollar Store Halloween crafts is that you essentially get almost the same thing you would pay buckoo bucks for at Spirit Halloween. Heck, these may even fit your needs better to begin with.
So first of all, I wanted to make sure that the cauldron looked like it was being heated. To do this I simply picked up these Mini Orange Halloween Lights on my Dollar Store Halloween crafts run.
I made sure to do a test to ensure they were working first. Dollar Tree threw in two extra bulbs JIC. That is literally the nicest thing. Because even though I only invested a dollar in this product their company was considerate!
Next I made a bowl out of Reynolds wrap. I simply tore off a square sheet of foil and then folded the signs in until it would fit squarely under the cauldron. Seeing the light being emitted pretty well was my goal and this material was reflective and cheap!
I loaded the bowl with the Mini Orange Halloween Lights.
Then after making sure it would fit nicely under the cauldron, I topped the edges in a package of Floral Garden Reindeer Moss. This ensured that the aluminum foil was hidden while the light still shone out brightly.
Wa-lah, there you go!
Finishing Touches
Now you may be wondering, what did you put in the cauldron? Here’s the deal, I didn’t put anything in my Cauldron. I’m a fraud, I know! I freaking cheated. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. Basically I shot like 25% of my Halloween content in a day and didn’t have the manpower to find dry ice.
If it’s truly a centerpiece, then putting dry ice in yours so that it has some fog rolling out is great. It definitely creates a more witchy authentic vibe!
Or if you really wanted to, then use it to place an appetizer in! It may be the perfect place to showcase your Candied Walnut Brains. These are the perfect classy (and simple) appetizer to wow your guests with!
Final Thoughts
Now I know this is adorable. But please, use some common sense and don’t have your strand of lights plugged in when you’re not home! The aluminum foil definitely gets a little heat distributed and you don’t want to create a fire hazard if you’re not home to monitor.
Also, you’re probably going to need an extension cord potentially. Hiding the cord under moss as best you can and planning to have this centerpiece housed on a table that is placed against a wall so the cord doesn’t trip anybody will fix this.
All in all I think that for $3 this turned out great! This Dollar Store Halloween craft turned out to be exactly what I wanted and more.
What’s one of your best frugal centerpieces for your Halloween Parties?
Thanks for reading!