Harry Potter Recipes: Fizzing Whizbees
I knew that if I was going to throw a Harry Potter party that I wanted a Honeydukes candy cart. Or the closest thing to it! Which would mean it would need to be full of Chocolate Frogs, Licorice Wands and of course Fizzing Whizbees. Out of all of the Harry Potter Recipes for candy I made, these were my favorite! Now in the book they’re sherbet balls that make you fly off the ground, but at Universal Studios they are the most darling bee shaped chocolates. These won’t make you fly, but they do fizz in your mouth (rumor has it). This makes them an exceptionally fun chocolate to eat!
I was a little nervous about creating these Fizzing Whizbees, but once I had nailed down the chocolate frog process these were no longer intimidating.
Harry Potter Recipes: Fizzing Whizbees
Begin by placing half your bag of chocolate wafers in a microwave-safe bowl.
Microwave them in twenty-five second increments, but make sure to use a spatula to stir them in between. If you don’t do this they won’t melt!
Fill the bee chocolate molds with a thin layer of melted chocolate, just enough to cover the surface of the mold.
Then add a fair amount of pop rocks in the cavities.
Finish filling the cavities with chocolate.
Next put those babies in the freezer for about 15 minutes, then remove them from the mold.
Now take an xacto (or regular sharpened) knife and cut off the remaining chocolate that pooled up where it wasn’t supposed to.
Be sure to dust them with bronze luster dust to add a hint of magic!
Even though it’s not quite as important as the packaging for the chocolate frogs, Fizzing Whizbee packaging really brings the candies to life!
I bought the Fizzing Whizbee packaging as a digital file on Etsy here. Then my family and I cut them out with both xacto knives and scissors after having them printed on cardstock. Afterwards my husband’s siblings and the twins very graciously folded them.
Cutting, folding and taping together printables took two hours. With four of us helping. So if you go this route, know that it is time intensive, but far cheaper than buying all the candies online.
Microwave chocolate left over just in 2o second increments to finish it out. Because I was making chocolate frogs, Mandrake Cupcakes and licorice wands at the same time I couldn’t honestly tell you how many Fizzing Whizbees 1 bag will make.
You’ll also notice that these look a little darker than the chocolate frogs, that’s because I made them mostly out of dark mint chocolate wafers instead. This made the peppermint flavored pop rocks a great choice!
If you make these during a non-holiday time you’ll probably have to switch up the pop rocks and chocolate flavor, so just make sure they compliment one another.
Thanks for reading!
Harry Potter Recipes: Fizzing Whizbees
Ingredients & Supplies
- 1 bag of mint dark chocolate flavored candy wafers
- bee mold
- bronze pearl Wilton luster dust
- peppermint flavored pop rocks
- Place 1/2 bag of dark chocolate flavored candy wafers in microwave safe bowl.
- Microwave in thirty second increments, stirring with spatula in between microwave bouts until melted.
- Spoon melted chocolate into bee molds just covering the bottom.
- Layer pop rocks generously.
- Fill remaining room of cavity with chocolate.
- Place in freezer and let freeze for 15 minutes.
- Remove from mold.
- Dust with bronze pearl Wilton luster dust.
- Package or serve on Hogwart’s style tray.
- Enjoy!