Hey there, thanks for stopping by!
My name’s Lauren. I’m a senior at New Mexico State University majoring in Agricultural Communications. FYI – that’s not talking to cattle, just in case you’re wondering. But if that was your first impression it’s cool because that seems to be everyone else’s.
I’m a native New Mexican and when I’m not in class, traveling or at work I’m probably snuggling my dogs, eating lots of green chile (that’s a plant by the way), or watching bad nineties movies on netflix. It’s great white noise for blogging or editing pictures. I love monograms, turquoise, pearls, succulents and dressing up. I’m still figuring out this adulting thing but I think I’m significantly better at it than I was a few years ago.

I believe in telling our farmer’s stories to help them connect with the people that eat what they grow and in serving as a resource for any questions about where food comes from. I’m passionate about this because of my heritage. Food marketing can be super confusing and it’s time to stop feeling guilty about what is in your cart. We all need to fight hunger and understanding the privilege of food accessibility we have in the United States is a great place to start.
I’m way nervous to grow my blog I’ve got to admit. I’m also way excited!
Thanks for stopping by!
Lauren Schlothauer
p.s. Be sure connect with us on Instagram!
Here’s a message from Türkiye to say “thank you” Lauren. I appreciate your recent ‘follow’, knowing how many interesting and entertaining blogs there are out there.
Blogging since June 2013, my little corner of the world tries to offer an eclectic smattering of posts, from basic amateur photography, to sharing my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day-to-day happenings here on our fruit farm in southern Turkey. I also throw in a few of my observations on life and lighter-hearted stuff for good measure.
You are more than welcome to have a look around, stay a while and have a trawl through my collection. There are plenty of categories within the drop-down menus to help in said digging process. Of course, if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, feel free to let me know – I’m not easily offended 🙂
Hope you have a great day…
Hey there:)! I just wanted to say you’re welcome and I’m very much looking forward to your everyday adventures and photography as well as all of your other posts. I wish you a wonderful day as well:)
Lovely message, top of the Spikey’s already 🙂
Aww thanks:)!
Hi Lauren,
What would you like to do in the field of agricultural communications? I work in communications but I’m curious about what the nuance of communications in the agriculture industry may be.
Hey there! Agricultural Communications is very broad in nature just as communications is. What I would very much enjoy is to do communications through a consumer outreach position for the beef or dairy industry. However, agricultural communications also includes broadcasting on stations for radio or television which primarily serve the rural community, managing social media or public relations for a company or organization with agricultural roots or being an agricultural journalist for a newspaper or magazine. You could also look more specifically at research and after gaining proper accreditation teach at a University. Where do you specifically work in communications:)?
Hi Lauren! As promised, I’m stalking your blog today! It is wonderful! I see that you go to NMSU – one of my college buddies just took a job there as head rodeo coach. Small world! Keep up the good work! You put my little blog to shame! 🙂
Thankyou so much:)! I’m so sorry I didn’t respond earlier I’m still learning how to work everything and didn’t see you had commented, I need to change my settings<3 How neat that's very exciting:)! I promise not, your blog is awesome and I'm just beginning to figure out how everything works I'm hoping to grow it much more:)